Businesses need a talented workforce. Workers need the right skills to compete for available jobs. The Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Office of Employment & Training and the Center for Educational Performance and Information partner with the Michigan Department of Education, the Department of State, the Department of Technology, Management and Budget’s Center for Data and Analytics, and the Unemployment Insurance Agency to provide essential aggregate data via the Workforce Longitudinal Data System. This suite of statewide workforce reports displays relationships between education level and wages in Michigan. Explore wage data to see how entry level wages have changed over time. Compare the median wages of those with different levels of educational attainment, between various fields of study or between multiple levels of high school CTE participation. Michigan stakeholders, including students/parents, teachers, legislators, workforce and education policymakers, taxpayers and employers, can use these reports as well as the career exploration website Pathfinder.
Entry Level Wages Over Time
Shows the trend of median annual wages for students one year after completing various education levels.
Generate a ReportMedian Wages by Educational Attainment
Shows median annual wages for students one and five years after completing their highest level of education.
Generate a ReportMedian Wages by Field of Study
Shows the median annual wages for students who earned a postsecondary certificate or degree in a selected field of study one and five years after earning their certificates or degrees.
Generate a ReportMedian Annual Wages by Educational Attainment and HS CTE Status
Shows median annual wages and high school career and technical education status for students one year after completing their highest level of education.
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