Michigan’s early childhood programs strive to prepare children for kindergarten through a variety of early learning and development opportunities. Learn how programs such as EarlyOn ®, Head Start, Great Start Readiness Program, Early Childhood Special Education, and others serve Michigan children. View early childhood data at the statewide, county, ISD, district or school level or for a specific early childhood service provider. Use the report settings to filter the data in a variety of ways such as gender, race/ethnicity, delivery schedule and more. Reports with the compare option allow users to explore select data for multiple entities at one time. Explore visual representations of the early childhood pathways students take before kindergarten or the impact of early childhood participation on K-3 attendance. Switch quickly between data shown as a snapshot in time or as a trend to view changes over time.
Early Childhood Program Participation
Shows the number of Michigan children enrolled in early childhood programs by program or demographic report category.
View ReportEarly Childhood Program Participation by Kindergarten Class
Shows how many kindergarteners attended early childhood programs by location, school year, program type and demographic information.
View ReportK-3 Absenteeism and Early Childhood Participation
Shows absence rates for students in kindergarten through third grade, and allows rate comparison of students who have participated in select publicly-funded early childhood programs before kindergarten, with that of all students.
View ReportPathways to Kindergarten
Shows the order in which children were enrolled in publicly-funded early childhood programs prior to entering kindergarten and the number of children that followed each pathway.
View ReportContinuity of Service in Special Education
Shows early intervention and special education services delivered to Michigan children between birth and third grade, the proportion of children in each service pathway, and the comparison of a selected ISD's pathways to statewide.
View ReportThird Grade Assessment Outcomes for Early Childhood Participants (Secure Only)
Discover children who were previously enrolled in the Great Start Readiness Program, Head Start, and GSRP/Head Start Blend have performed on their 3rd grade M-STEP mathematics and English language arts assessments
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