The Report Builder lets users create a custom dataset by combining data and metrics from across MI School Data, including K12 Attendance and Graduation/Dropout, Early Childhood Absence Rates and Program Participation, as well as Postsecondary enrollment, success rates, and awards and degrees conferred. Explore the three major content areas (Early Childhood, K12 and Postsecondary) by selecting school years, entity types (ISD, District, School, etc.) and report categories.
The main screen lets users explore one of the three main content areas, or they can select a preset selection of popular inquiries such as Top Districts by Graduation Rate, Colleges and Universities Ranked by Enrollment Count and other options.
The Report Builder is updated at various times throughout the year as data are available. See the Recently Posted Reports page for when the report was last updated.
The Report Builder has many enhanced capabilities to allow users to select specific data and locations.
Location Options
There is no limit to the number of locations users can choose.
Choosing your Location(s)
From the dropdown menu:
- Choose any statewide location at the top of the menu to add statewide-level data.
- Choose an ISD, district or school from the nested list. Click the arrow next to an ISD to open a list of districts and click the arrow next to a district to open a list of schools.
- To select all locations in an ISD or district, check the box next to the ISD or district name.
- To select ISD-level data only, open an ISD menu and select “ISD-Level Data.” To select district-level data only, open a district menu and select “District-Level Data.”
- Use the eraser symbol to clear all location selections. Hover over the Location menu to view the eraser symbol.
Search for a school, district or ISD by name or code:
- Type the name or code in the Location menu search bar.
- Results will populate the search box and are nested by ISD.
- Click the arrow next to an ISD or district name for an expanded list of locations. For example, searching for “Lansing Public School District” will return Ingham ISD in the list. Click the arrow next to Ingham ISD, and the list will expand to show all districts within that ISD. Then, click the arrow next to Lansing Public School District, and the list will expand to show all schools within that district. Select schools to include or click “District-Level Data” to add Lansing Public School District to the list.
- Use the eraser symbol to clear all location selections. Hover over the Location menu to view the eraser symbol.
- Delete text in the search bar for a complete location list to reappear.
Sorting your data
Sort the table by clicking a column header. Suppressed values will sort to the top when sorting descending. Conversely, blank values will appear at the top when sorting ascending. Scrolling further down in the table will show unsuppressed, non-empty values in the order you selected.
Filtering your data
In addition to the drop-downs for School Year, Location, Report Category, etc., the Report Builder also enables filtering by certain available metrics. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
- Click the Filter Pane on the right side of the report, labeled “Filters.”
- Scroll through the list of available filters or use the search bar at the top to search for keywords.
- Upon locating a metric of interest, activate the filter by clicking the box or selecting the drop-down arrow. For each metric, it is possible to filter for blank values and a range of percent values that correspond to that metric.
- Select the empty checkbox next to the desired group of values to filter the table automatically to records meeting the specified criteria.
For instance, to view only records with an Attendance Rate (for all grades) of 75% or higher, locate the “Attendance Rate (All Grades)” metric within the filter pane and select the checkboxes next to “75-95%” and “>95%.”
To review all numerical filters applied thus far, click on “# numerical filter(s) applied” near the top of the report (under the “Reset Selections” button) to show the active filters and metrics.
To reset these filters, click the small eraser icon within the box for each respective metric. You can also press the “Reset Selections” button within the report. However, this button will reset ALL selections, including those not made within the filter pane, so only use it if you wish to return to the default view/selections.
Downloading Your Data
To download a data table you’ve created for further use, take the following steps:
- Hover over the “more options” ellipses icon in the upper right corner (below the “# numerical filter(s) applied” text).
- Click the ellipses, then click “Export data.”
- A popup will appear asking, “Which data do you want to export?” Generally, you can keep the default, “Data with current layout.”
- Click the export button at the bottom right corner.
The export function has a row limit of 150,000 rows and will save the data as a .xlsx file. Depending on the size of the table, it may take a few moments for the download to complete, after which the file should appear in the downloads. Instructions are also included within the report in the top-right corner under “How to Download Your Table.”
To understand the data in the downloadable file, please refer to the Field Definitions document for a list and definitions of field names used throughout the report.
Logged-in Users
Users with secure access who are logged in can see unsuppressed numbers for the entities for which they have been specifically authorized.
The Report Builder contains metrics from various MI School Data reports in one convenient place. Users can explore further by visiting the reports listed below. Learn details about the data, historical changes, and more in the About This Report feature in each report.
Early Childhood Data
K-3 Absenteeism and EC Participation – Displays absence rates for students in kindergarten through third grade.
Early Childhood Program Participation – Displays the number of children reported as participating in early childhood programs.
EC Program Participation by Kindergarten Class – Displays the number of kindergarten students who were reported as participating in early childhood programs prior to entering kindergarten.
Service Comparisons – See early services in special education provided to Michigan children.
Service Pathways – Explore how children receive early intervention by special education program.
K-12 Data
College Readiness (SAT) – See how many students meet college readiness benchmarks.
English Learner Assessments (WIDA) – Displays testing data for children considered English language learners.
Grades 3-8 State Testing (MI-Access, M-STEP and PSAT) – Displays performance data for students taking M-STEP, MI-Access and PSAT.
Graduation – See how many high school seniors graduate on time by demographics like race and gender.
High School State Testing (MI-Access, M-STEP) – Displays performance data on M-STEP and MI-Access student testing.
Parent Dashboard Metrics – School-level information about Michigan public schools.
Student Attendance – View attendance and chronic absentee rates for schools, districts, ISDs and the State.
Student Enrollment Counts – Learn about K-12 students by race, gender and other demographics.
Postsecondary Data
College Degrees and Certificates – Displays a count of awards and degrees by program for colleges and universities.
College Transfers – See the number of student transfers in and out of Michigan colleges and universities.
College Undergraduate Enrollment – Displays enrollment counts by age, degree-seeking status and more.
Success Rates – See if Michigan colleges and universities are successfully graduating their students.
Disclosure Avoidance
To protect the privacy of individual students, CEPI uses data suppression rules when report settings yield fewer than 10 students in a given group. That suppression will appear in the report as <10. Complementary groups may also be suppressed and will appear in the report with an asterisk. In addition, when a given group percentage is less than five percent or greater than ninety-five percent, it will appear in the report as <5% or >95% respectively. Please see How CEPI Protects Education Data for more information.
Report Labels
See the Glossary for additional terms and acronyms used on MI School Data.
4-Year Rate Year: The total number of students who completed high school with a regular diploma in four years or less; or if enrolled in an early/middle college, completed high school with a regular diploma AND an associate degree or other advanced certificate in five years or less.
5-Year Rate Year: The total number of students who completed high school with a regular diploma in five years or less; or if enrolled in an early/middle college, completed high school with a regular diploma AND an associate degree or other advanced certificate in six years or less.
6-Year Rate Year: Total number of students who completed high school with a regular diploma in six years or less.
Attendance Rate: K-12 students for whom attendance was required to be reported in MSDS, and who were enrolled in a district for at least 10 consecutive days. Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the reported days attended by total possible attendance.
Child Count: The count of children who have been reported as participating in early childhood programs.
Chronically Absent:
- School year 2014-15 and prior: Students with 10 or more absences during the scheduled school year.
- School year 2015-16 and after: Students who missed 10 percent or more possible days during the scheduled school year and were enrolled in a district or building for at least 10 consecutive days.
Degree Seeking: Whether the student is considered by the postsecondary institution to be degree seeking or non-degree seeking. Degree seeking students are enrolled in courses for credit and recognized by the institution as seeking a degree, certificate, or other formal award.
Dropout Rate: The count and percentages of students who left high school permanently at any time during the 4-year period or whose whereabouts are unknown.
Expulsions: Count of students removed from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year, or longer.
Graduation Rate: The count and percentages of students who complete high school with a regular diploma in four years or less; or if enrolled in an early/middle college, completed high school with a regular diploma AND an associate degree or other advanced certificate in five years or less.
M-STEP: A summative assessment that measures what students know and are able to do based on Michigan's Academic Standards. Students are assessed in the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
MI-Access: A test based on Michigan's alternate content standards, designed for students who have, or function as if they have, significant cognitive impairment, and whose Individualized Education Program indicates that M-STEP, even with accommodations, is not appropriate. MI-Access includes assessment types Functional Independence (subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies), Participation (subject: English, Mathematics and Science), and Supported Independence (subjects: English, Mathematics and Science).
Not Chronically Absent: Students who missed less than 10 percent of possible days during the scheduled school year and were enrolled in a district or building for at least 10 consecutive days. (Available beginning with school year 2015-16.)
Off-Track Continuing: The total number of students who did not complete high school in 4, 5 or 6 years (depending on which rate year is being reviewed) and are still continuing in school.
Other Completers: The total number of students who earned a GED (including high school equivalency diploma) or other certificate or reached special education maximum age.
PSAT: A preliminary SAT test used to assess 8th grade Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics beginning with school year 2018-19.
SAT: Michigan students take the SAT with Essay administration during the Michigan Merit Examination in the spring of 11th grade. Students are assessed in the subjects of Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics. The Total Score is the combined score of these subjects.
Student Count: An unduplicated headcount of students attending a specific district or school, based on Fall count day data.
Success: Defined as earning a certificate, an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree. For community colleges, success also includes transitioning into a 4-year university.
Teacher Retention: Percent of teachers are retained year over year at the same school. Higher percentages mean that fewer teachers leave their position mid-year. It also means that more teachers return to teach in the school after summer breaks.
Transfers Into: The number of students who transferred into a Michigan college or university.
Transfers Out: The number of students who transferred out of a Michigan college or university.
WIDA: A test given to show how students performed on the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs, a large-scale English language proficiency assessment given to kindergarten through 12th graders who have been identified as English learners. WIDA includes a breakdown by Composite Scores for Comprehension, Literacy and Oral Language, Language Domain Scores by Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing as well as an Overall Score which is a combination of all four language domains.
If you have questions not addressed here or in the linked resources, please contact CEPI customer support at